Sunday, 5 December 2010

Tin't in Tin

Apparently "it isn't in the tin" said with a Yorkshire Accent i.e "Tin't in Tin", is the most Yorkshire sounding thing to say. Its almost completely indecipherable.

I am writing about tins because if they look old and worn with a different design then I love them. I think they're quire a popular thing to collect but I don't care they look good and they are cheap, not to mention the fact that its recycling! Little rusty in parts all different colours and shapes. They please my eyes. They add a decorative, yet useful (and tidy if you keep things in them!) alternative to the usual generic bits and pieces from Ikea.

Me and the boy bought 4 last week at a second hand market in Huddersfield (every Tuesday), they will find a home in an abode we share when we finish uni but providing the stress of the uni workload doesn't kill us they are living on his shelf.

I cant wait to have my own house again but I will need a shop for the overflow of things I buy for it.


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