Monday, 22 February 2010

Jennifer in the Evening

This may be very difficult. Usually I shy away from letting anyone read anything I ever write, even the most menial of things.

However, this is my first post of possibly many, purely depending on how bored I get of the whole ‘blogging’ idea. Arrogant as it may seem to presume anyone has the slightest interest in anything I have to say, I’m hoping that getting out all the ridiculous thoughts and ideas I have will be therapeutic for me, which is good, for me....

I kind of pity anyone who has the misfortune to come across this blog and expect anything interesting or tries to make any sense of it; I basically just need an outlet for my ranting and musings on a whole array of topics. Perhaps propelling this onto a public platform is the wrong way to go, perhaps it won’t do anything for me and no one will read it but who cares I have nothing better to do with myself right now.

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