Wednesday, 20 April 2011

Holly Golightly, Travelling

I am finally reading Breakfast at Tiffany’s, by Truman Capote, I say finally becasue it has been on a mental  list of books I want to read for ages, along with many others i fool myself into thinking I will get round to when I have 'more time' .

I have seen the film and, as beautiful as it is I think I am enjoying the book more, probably because of the perfectly intriguing characters the constant thread of humour.

Suitcases and unpacked crates were the only furniture’

In Camden last week I saw the most amazing luggage shop in the Stables Market (well worth a very long visit!) and this is now the image I have stuck in my head of the suitcases strewn around Miss Golightlys  ‘fly by night’ apartment. 

Sorry bit of a ramble today! I would just like more suitcases....

A Strong Look

Satellite by The Kills, from their new album. Its a good song, good video and a very strong look.

Monday, 21 February 2011

Love for Liberty

I am as I type sat in the lovely library at university working on my second to last assignment of my degree. That is an exciting thought in itself. However, doing a case study on Liberty was a bad choice.

Every time I need a reference I am hopelessly distracted by an amazing floral or paisley print. I have discovered my favourite prints are Endenham,B, Pheobe D and Bourton R. The Bourton Paisley (Below) is by far the best paisley I have EVER seen but not very helpful for the assignment, I will be adding lots of images I imagine!

I was just distracted by the Liberty blog too, which is wonderful but has induced my love for the most amazing Sonia by Sonia Rykeil sailor dress but sadly I am more likely to eat the Mac I am typing on than ever actually own it.

 Liberty has also ignited a sudden desire to learn to sew, its the effect of all the fabric. Must learn when I have more time.For now, back to the assignment....

Tuesday, 1 February 2011

Pigeons for sale!

Today, was Tuesday, which means second hand market day! Huddersfield second hand market is usually quite good but today it was very full.

Mr A.F Horse and I browsed the stalls as usual, although they were much busier today and seemed full of treats and treasures old and new. There were a few things that caught our eyes today, firstly, on one stall there were a few vintage embossers (very similar to the one below). I have wanted one for a little while now but have no idea how you would get your own name on them. I still want one!
The second and most wonderful thing that grabbed my eyes attention was an old post office notice board! I cant say i have ever seen one that hasn't been nailed to a post office wall. It still had a few original, old, notices in it the pigeons for sale was by far the best one!

So, with form, I now desperately want one! it would be an unusual addition to a living room, hall way or kitchen and ideal for keeping letters or notes etc.

Apparently, if I am not careful, when i get a place it may begin to look like a museum of oddities rather than a home....

Here's an example but the one today was red, slightly smaller and much more handsome
"Fanny Pistor, in return, promises to wear fur as often as practical and especially when being cruel"

       (Contract between Fanny Pistor and Leopold Von Sacher-Masoch, Venus in Furs)

Sunday, 30 January 2011

From Squats to Souks

Well January came and went very quickly indeed. It is February on Tuesday. I was lucky enough to bring in the new year with my other half the amazingly talented, ‘published,’ Mr A.F. Horse, but January seems to have flown by. Perhaps due to the fact I wrote my dissertation and have been blinkered into thinking of nothing else for weeks! 

The whole last year has moved very quickly, last week I was secretly reminiscing of the trip to Berlin I had last January. I adored the city particularly the crumbling dilapidated Tacheles squat not only home to many art studios but totally covered in graffiti, posters and other wonderful things for your eyes to play with.

I have decided that a holiday is most definitely in order. My first choice is Marrakech after wanting to go there for a fair few years now.  I have always fancied it and have never been anywhere so culturally diverged from my own, wandering round little streets of orange and red and getting lost in souks and Djemaa el-Fna market. Yes. Holiday is on the cards.

Thinking of Souks, there is a great shop in Howarth called ‘The Souk’ although very different from the Moroccan souk I’m sure! I took a photo ages ago for this blog there, it’s filled with the most beautiful vintage clothing, accessories and jewellery. It’s a really classy vintage place; it has huge cabinets littered with antique watches, rings, lighters and other smoking paraphernalia. 

 Here’s another photo, payment to the eyes after reading this boring bit!

Monday, 10 January 2011


Dogville is the second Lars Von Trier film I have been introduced to, the first was Antichrist which shot straight up into my favourite films for its imagery, uniqueness and its ability to provide an amazing atmosphere which lingers for days after watching it whilst  providing enough connotations, interpretations and themes to poke at indefinitely. Antichrist has a full serving of horror, gore, sex and self mutilation so I expected similar things from Dogville, not necessarily that order.

Dogville is the story of a tiny town in the mountains somewhere in America during the depression. Nicole Kidman’s character stumbles upon it escaping gangsters and persuades the townsfolk to let her stay by volunteering herself for labour with each household. 

The set for the film is not in the mountains. It is on a stage, blacked out at the sides so all that can be seen is the one street town with chalked out buildings and minimal furniture. No walls exist. It takes a few minutes to adjust after the novelty of the setting but the focus is quickly stolen by the atmosphere and acting skills of the cast. I personally found that, most likely as intended, having no distractions more focus was placed on the actual storyline and characters and found it mesmerising that such ambience can be created through chalked out floors alone. 

Everything in the film is transparent, the film is split into chapters and they entitle what will occur in them, there is a narrator telling you what is happening, no walls or buildings enable you to see what the whole town is doing at once providing the audience to see that one character is raping another whilst another is ringing the parish bell. The transparency of the set aids the storyline and as it unravels, the transparency helps chillingly denote the township as everything you can see is everything they need fearful of anything beyond it. 

As far as themes go there are many I am sure, for me, there is an underlying philosophical look at human nature and this is depicted by the town’s existence and the characters fear, jealously, good, evil, arrogance and resilience.

I almost thought at times that it was too long and I didn’t want to watch anymore. The deteriorating mood of the film and of the towns inhabitants turning goodwill into greed and changing needs from none into an insatiable desire for a slave I found gripping and infuriating and I hoped that the inhabitants would be shot in the end the whole town would be burnt down.

Lars Von Trier made me think. I have practically written an essay and could definitely write more. Anything that evokes a reaction on this scale, in me, is impressive. I think I will watch another.

Sunday, 9 January 2011

Work avoidance, my CV, job worries and an addiction to online recipe websites

I am blogging as part of a uni work avoidance tactic i fear i am becoming far too good at. My dissertation will not write itself, if it could I am positive my blood pressure would be lower.

I have even resorted to re-writing and structuring my CV. It also has thrown me into a slight panic (an almost palpitating panic) when thinking of job prospects after I actually finish uni in May. I have fallen out with my CV because I don't think it really portrays me that well, it looks dull (i don't like the font..) and consists of nearly all of the cliched job seeking works, e.g motivated, enthusiastic, well presented, hard working, they say just about nothing.

That said, I am yet to find a graduate scheme to apply for, they are illusive or ended for this year so far as I can see. 

Perhaps i should make a beautiful batch of cupcakes and send them out to prospective employers, at least that way i would enjoy the process of applying for jobs and say a little more than how many GCSE's I gained. 

I noticed today that, during my work avoidance, i am ridiculously addicted to recipe websites.I can browse and search for hours and hours on and off. I am hoping it will improve my abilities in the kitchen but then worry about how much time I actually waste.

Today was always going to be a ramble I suppose.